Custom Built Desks – Green Bay

Finding the Perfect Desk for Your Needs

Custom desk Green BaySince many employees have been able to trade their workday commute for working from home (at least part time) a home office is a must-have for many people. Even for those who don’t earn their paycheck working from home, a dedicated work space is still essential for their electronic and pen and paper endeavors. Finding the perfect desk for your needs, big or small, is easy when you have your work space custom built.

A custom built desk can be free-standing or built in as part of the room. The style, size, color and all other attributes that will help you be more productive while working can be designed to your specifications. Creating the perfect custom built desk for you starts with a series of question that will determine your needs and how best to meet them.

First, you have to look at how much space you have to work with and design the custom desk and work space to fit into that space.

Desk shape is the next important question to ask yourself – do you prefer a traditional straight desk with drawers on one or both sides? Perhaps an L-shaped or U-shaped desk would better suit your needs and can easily be built for you.

Size and shape may also depend on the number of people who will be sharing the desk and office space. Will you be working alone all the time, half the time or will the space always be shared with one or more people? Height and chair space for the desk is also a consideration. A desk custom built for a 6‘5“ man will need to be higher than a desk custom built for a 5‘ 2‘ female.

Storage is also an issue to address when designing a custom built desk. Even in this day and age of electronic storage, there are a multitude of items that need to be physically stored within arm’s reach.

How many electronic devices will be used at this desk? Take into consideration the need for electrical outlets, usb hubs and the like so all your electronic gear with be at your fingertips.

Last but not least, consider the finish and hardware you want on your custom built desk. A wide variety of finishes can be chosen from along with many styles of hardware for custom built desk. Give us a call today to discuss your custom desk needs.